‘They’ve Found Nothing Because There Is Nothing’: Sanders Calls for End of Mueller Probe (VIDEO)


White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders declined to speculate about what will happen during President Donald Trump’s Thursday meeting with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, but she did call for an end to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.

Steve Doocy noted that Trump’s lawyer Jay Sekulow is calling for a “timeout” in Mueller’s probe if Rosenstein resigns or is fired.

Sanders said she would actually “go a step further.”

“I think the Mueller probe should end because they’ve spent a year-and-a-half and they’ve found nothing because there is nothing. There was no collusion,” Sanders said.- READ MORE


Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz says that President Trump could fight in court to force Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to recuse himself in the special counsel investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Dershowitz made the comments in an interview on CNN’s “Smerconish” after it was reported by The New York Times that Rosenstein brought up the possibility of recording Trump in the Oval Office last year.

Rosenstein has said that he “never pursued or authorized recording the President and any suggestion that I have ever advocated for the removal of the President is absolutely false.”

Dershowitz suggested Saturday that “what [Trump] could do very plausibly is have his lawyers go to court and make a motion to recuse Rosenstein from any involvement in any case involving the president.”

“Because he has a conflict of interest,” said Dershowitz, who is also an opinion contributor for The Hill. “He has two conflicts of interest: First, he wrote the memo … authorizing the firing of Comey. You can’t both investigate obstruction of justice and be part of the obstruction of justice.”

“But second, he has a conflict now because the Times reports that his goal is to be ‘vindicated,’ and the way he can be ‘vindicated’ is by putting all the blame on President Trump,” Dershowitz added in the interview. – READ MORE

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