The Art of Throwing a Presidential Inauguration Kegger

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On March 4, 1829, Andrew Jackson raised his right hand and swore to uphold the constitution et cetera, et cetera as the seventh president of the United States.

The moment was historic in many ways—this was the first swearing-in held outside the chambers of the U.S. Capitol building. (He stood before a vast crowd of well-wishers gathered in front of the east portico.) And Jackson really helped usher in modern politics, in part by being the first true populist president, elected by rough-edged farmers, backwoodsmen, blacksmiths, barge hands, and coopers, who banded together to upend a half-century’s worth of stuffed-shirt politics-as-usual. As his big day neared, ardent fans flooded Washington eager to see their hero take the reins of state. – READ MORE

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