The days of “no pass, no play” are no more. These days, some schools dump “D” grades to allow high school athletes to play sports. One Texas school district says they signed onto this brave new world where “D” is the new “C”, to level the playing field.
The Round Rock Independent School District announced this week they will alter the way letter grades are reported, meaning the letter grade “D” is gone. It is a change that will go into effect for all high school students this academic year. District officials say the new grading – A, B, C, and F – is being done to benefit athletes. They say this will make students more competitive with their peers, especially those student athletes vying for college scholarships.
“We want to give our students every competitive advantage possible for entering college,” said Dr. Daniel Presley, Round Rock ISD’s senior chief of school and innovation. “By tweaking our transcript process, we are not changing how we evaluate or reward performance, we are matching a common practice of schools and districts around the country.” – READ MORE