A central Texas man was arrested and charged with 1st degree murder after police said they found his wife’s severed head in a freezer in their home.
Bellmead, Texas, police officers were called to a home where a man was reported to be assaulting his wife. Officers made contact with Davey Dauzat, 23, who was inside his home with the couple’s two children. He refused to come out of the home, KCEN NBC6 in Waco reported.
“He was still inside with the children at one point, Sgt. Kory Martin, spokesman for Bellmead Police, told the local NBC affiliate. “We had a hostage negotiator who made contact with him and as soon as we made contact with him, asked him to come outside, he voluntarily came outside and we were able to get him into custody and we quickly had units run inside that home and secure those children and the crime scene.”
It was the second visit by police to Dauzat’s home. Earlier in the day, officers were called to the scene to do a “welfare check.” This is a type of call where someone concerned for someone else’s safety asks police to make a courtesy check. Officers determined everything was okay at that time. – READ MORE