A man allegedly attacked a 68-year-old cancer survivor at a garage sale in Tennessee, punching him in the jaw and dislodging a tooth because the older man was a Trump supporter.
Vester Bullock of Oak Ridge, Tenn., said in an exclusive phone interview with The Daily Caller he believes he was targeted because of his political views.
Bullock, who wears a big red Trump pin on his hat, said he was helping out at his friend’s garage sale Saturday morning when a man showed up early and offered him $5 for a staple gun that was marked for sale for $7.
At approximately 12:30 p.m., according to Bullock, the man returned extremely agitated and starting shouting profanities at him.
“He slammed his arms, walked up to me and said, ‘my wife told me I shouldn’t trust a God-damn Republican,’” said Bullock.
When he asked the man what was wrong, he said the stapler didn’t work.
“I told him ‘I’ll give you your money back,’” said Bullock. “But he kept calling me all kinds of names.” – READ MORE