SINKING FAST: Poll Says Keith Ellison Now Losing Significantly To GOP Challenger In Minnesota


The latest poll taken in Minnesota indicates a shocking upset may be about to take place: in the race for state attorney general, Democrat U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison, formerly the Deputy Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, is losing to Republican Doug Wardlow, who leads by seven percentage points, 43%-36%.

The Star Tribune/MPR News Minnesota Poll that showed Wardlow with a significant lead reflected a massive change since September, when the same pollfound Ellison with a five-point lead, 41%-36%.

The latest poll found GOP voters solidly behind Wardlow, while Democrats were uneasy about supporting Ellison, who has been facing accusations of sexual abuse from his former girlfriend. Ellison led Wardlow in the latest poll in Hennepin and Ramsey counties, but the rest of the state preferred Wardlow.

Among voters aged 18-34, Wardlow’s support more than doubled, a shift from September, when Ellison held a commanding lead among those voters – READ MORE


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