WASHINGTON — House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Adam Schiff refused to give a reason why he reportedly blocked witnesses related to his committee’s Russia probe from testifying.
When first asked by The Daily Caller Tuesday about blocking witnesses scheduled to testify, Schiff only responded, “I don’t agree with the premise of your question.”
TheDC asked Schiff again on Wednesday and mentioned Carter Page as an example of a witness who was scheduled to testify but was blocked by Schiff from doing so.
Page is not the only witness who has been blocked. According to Politico, Trump confidant Roger Stone,and former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort have also reportedly been stalled by Democrats on the committee.
“Mr. Page is free to say whatever he wants about anything, but we’re not commenting on who we’ve scheduled to come before the committee or not scheduled so I can’t comment,” Schiff responded.
TheDC pressed Schiff further asking if the California Democrat has a problem with Carter or if he refuses to talk about it because the matter is classified.
“Again, I don’t want to accept the premise of your question,” Schiff replied.
TheDC asked Schiff what “premise” he meant and what makes the matter so secretive to not want to comment on it.
“I didn’t say it was classified. I’m just saying that anyone is free to talk about or not talk about whether they’re going to come before a committee, but as a practice we’re not talking about any witnesses we’ve scheduled or what our communications are, so that’s our policy — both mine and Mr. Conway’s,” he replied.
[contentcards url=”http://dailycaller.com/2017/06/28/schiff-clams-up-about-blocking-witness-testimony-in-russia-probe/” target=”_blank”]Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact [email protected].