Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders bafflingly claimed Sunday that recent Democratic losses are a sign that voters are sick of both parties.
During an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Sanders said Democrats keep losing because Americans are “demoralized” with both parties, but he had a difficult time explaining why that would be the case.
“I think there is a massive amount of demoralization on the part of the American people with the Democrat Party, with the Republican Party,” Sanders told host Chuck Todd. “I think the American people in many cases are seeing themselves working longer hours for lower wages, they’re worried about their kids not being able to go to college, they’re worried about what’s going to happen to them when they’re retiring.”
“There is an enormous amount of pain in this country, Chuck,” Sanders continued. “And they’re saying, ‘does anyone in Washington know what’s going on in my life?’”
Sanders asserted that the Democrats need to be the party for the working class, but still didn’t indicate how their losing shows discontent with both political parties.
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