San Diego State University is offering a master’s course aimed at training educators to pass on the Black Lives Matter ideology. It’s called “Black Minds Matter,” The College Fix reports.
Professor J. Luke Wood was a guest on the Kevin Fox Show Wednesday to discuss his new course. He frankly described it as means of fighting systemic racism in law enforcement and education.
“It’s necessary for us to radically transform the way that educators view their role in education. We are, again, preparing educators to see their classrooms as sites for civil resistance,” Wood said.
Guest speakers will be selected from a list of black professors and include the co-founder of Black Lives Matter and the daughter of 1960s radical black activist Malcolm X.
Remembering Malcolm X and that era, Wood explained that “we had sit ins, we had demonstrations, we had vigils, we had protests. I want educators to see their own classrooms sites as avenues for them to engage in civil resistance through teaching,”
The university’s description says it will discuss “the experiences and reality of Black boys and men in education.”
But conservative critics say the course is a misappropriation of public funds.
“We should be spending public funds on courses that will actually prepare the next generation for meaningful jobs instead of teaching them how be victims,” a news release from Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, reads.
Even some black activists are outraged. Craig DeLuz, who is a trustee in Sacramento’s Robla School district, labelled BLM as a social phenomenon that has “promoted segregation and violence against law enforcement.”
He asks in a news release, “Now we want to give them taxpayer dollars to train educators on how to indoctrinate our children?”
He answers: “That’s insane.”
But in an interview with the San Diego Union Tribune, Wood might be talking about working for a religious charity: “We’re organizing around Black Lives Matter’s guiding principles of loving engagement, empathy, values and restorative justice.”
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