Rudy Giuliani to London mayor: Stop attacking Trump and ‘do your job’


Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani offered stinging advice to London Mayor Sadiq Khan, telling him “do your job” as London’s murder rate surpassed that of New York City’s.

“Sadiq Khan should be ashamed of himself. He’s so busy attacking President Trump’s visit and, in the meantime, crime is spiraling in London,” Giuliani told the Daily Express. “Maybe he should just do his job instead of attacking a world leader.”

“I would not like to go to a country where someone with the authority of a mayor was rallying people against them. It’s highly inappropriate,” he said. “He’s probably suffering from some of the criticisms that President Trump has made of him, which are valid.”

“If crime is going up, he’s obviously not paying attention to his job. This is one mayor who can tell him how to reduce crime — you have to pay attention to your job. From one mayor to another, do your job, Mr. Khan,” he said. – READ MORE


Intent on forcing their skewed vision of Trump on the world, a group of leftists have decided to raise a stack of money in order to whimsically terrorize London. Their plan: “Make our six meter high orange, inflatable baby with a malevolent face and tiny hands fly over central London during Trump’s UK visit.”

That’s the official description of a crowd-funded project that recently launched and has so far raised over £27,170. It seems like a joke, but they’re apparently serious. Using the online platform Crowdfunder, anti-Trump voices are raising money to make the satirical Trump balloon a reality, and then inflate it over London when the president visits.

In an effort to show that Khan is far less popular than Trump, a second Crowdfunder campaign has launched, this one with the goal of flying a giant “baby Khan” balloon over London “to demonstrate our unhappiness with him as our Mayor of London.”

“In light of the Donald Trump ‘Baby Trump’ balloon being allowed to fly over London during his visit to the U.K., let’s get a ‘baby Khan’ one and see if FREE SPEECH applies to all and whether or not Mr Khan and the London assembly will also approve this,” the project declared.

“Under Sadiq Khan, we have seen crime sky rocket to unprecedented levels. People in London don’t feel safe and they aren’t safe, 81 murders this year alone! Khan Out,” it stated.

To the chagrin of anti-Trump voices in England, the project meant to mock Khan has gotten significantly more attention than the one that inspired it. As of Sunday afternoon, the giant balloon mocking Khan has raised well over £35,408, compared to the £27,170 pledged to mock Trump.READ MORE

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