RNC Releases Attack Strategy On ‘Lyin’ Comey’ In Advance Of Book Release


On Thursday, CNN broke the news that the Republican Party was mobilizing to discredit fired FBI director James Comey in advance of his upcoming book release. According to CNN:

The battle plan against Comey, obtained by CNN, calls for branding the nation’s former top law enforcement official as “Lyin’ Comey” through a website, digital advertising and talking points to be sent to Republicans across the country before his memoir is released next week. The White House signed off on the plan, which is being overseen by the Republican National Committee.

The chairwoman of the RNC, Ronna Romney McDaniel, stated, “Comey is a liar and a leaker and his misconduct led both Republicans and Democrats to call for his firing. If Comey wants the spotlight back on him, we’ll make sure the American people understand why he has no one but himself to blame for his complete lack of credibility.”

To that end, the RNC has opened up a site, LyinComey.com, complete with quotes from Democrats testifying as to Comey’s unfitness for office, as well as explanations for why Trump’s firing of Comey wasn’t obstruction of justice. – READ MORE

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