RNC $100 million ahead of DNC after another record-breaking month of fundraising


The Republican National Committee continued its record-setting year of fundraising in July by pulling in $14.2 million last month — more than it raised in the same month in 2010 and 2014 combined, the organization confirmed to the Washington Examiner Monday morning.

The new July total is also the most the GOP group has ever received in any month during a nonpresidential election year.

Since the beginning of the 2018 election cycle, the RNC has now hauled in $227.2 million. The Democratic National Committee has raised less than half that amount – $109 million – as of the end of June, according to Federal Election Commission records.

Democrats raised around $6 million and $8 million in May and June, respectively, but have not released their July numbers yet. – READ MORE


The Republican National Committee’s program to out-do former President Obama’s grassroots organizing has gone into warp speed and already made a record-breaking 30 million voter contacts in its goal of keeping the House and Senate in GOP hands.

RNC officials said that 30 million voter contacts is a month ahead of schedule and better off than it was in 2016 when it out-hustled the Democrats to help Donald Trump win the presidency over presumed winner Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The unusually aggressive ground campaign was designed to build a Republican grassroots effort. The RNC turned to its Republican Leadership Initiative Fellowship and it has locked in 20,000 fellows, four times its voter outreach force of just two years ago.

The party called the program a “game changer” in 2016 and has high hopes for this year when many polls show the GOP losing control of the House.

The 20,000 fellows are being trained and dispatched as “neighborhood team leaders” and “core team leaders.” And they are getting the credit for making the 30 million voter contacts in calls and door-to-door shoe leather.READ MORE

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