Breitbart News may want to watch its back.
For real. Or not for real.
Why does the truth matter when the collective media largely hates Breitbart?
Just for the hell of it, here’s what we know.
According to Dan Abram‘s site LawNews, the FBI just dropped a file containing more than 1,000 documents relating to the site now run by President Trump‘s former Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. Bannon maintained a role with Breitbart News even while he worked in the White House. Many believed he stilled pulled the strings on the site’s content long after he left.
The headline is rather damning: “The FBI Has 1475 File On Conservative Site Breitbart.”
LawNews is reporting that only 23 of those documents are available for public consumption, although they are redacted to the point of making them unintelligible.
This whole thing may not be as sinister as it seems on its surface.
The only available evidence is that Breitbart was the victim of something.
Real sexy, right?
If you read the visible portions of the FBI file, it looks like Breitbart was asking the FBI for help when they were hit with a denial of service attack, which is where some third party floods your servers with phony web traffic to take your site down.
The Wrap is reporting that Breitbart was the victim of a major cyberattack.
In other Breitbart legal news, a freelance photographer is suing the site for what he claims is unlawful use of an image. I had quite the chat with the photog’s attorney. Our phone call ended in a torrent of “fuck you’s.” A Breitbart Newspublicist never got back to me with a response on the matter.
The Mirror sought comment from a Breitbart publicist on the FBI file dump on Breitbart. The publicist told me he’s looking into it.
Find the FBI vault of Breitbart files here.
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