According to his Thursday interview with the New York Times, while he was running around smearing police officers as “murderers” in 2015, Quentin Tarantino was also covering up for and enabling Harvey Weinstein’s alleged crimes against women.
Because of his excessive use of the N-word, and those painfully awkward moments where he pretends to be black, Oscar-winning director Tarantino has struggled for decades to earn some respect from black audiences.
Well, almost exactly two years ago, with his next Weinstein Company feature, The Hateful Eight, just weeks from release, Tarantino cynically believed his ticket out of that mess, his ticket to expanding his audience within a black community now capable of producing box office hits all on its own, was to embrace the noxious, cop-hating Black Lives Matter movement.
Just four days after the murder of a New York City police officer, Tarantino made his first mistake when he stood before an anti-police rally in New York to say of our men in blue, “I am a human being with a conscience. And when I see murder, I cannot stand by, and I have to call the murdered the murdered and I have the call the murderers the murderers.” – READ MORE
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