What a nightmare this must have been for singer Barbra Streisand. Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant, has apparently been pronouncing her surname wrong all this time. Silly Siri has been saying “Strei-zand,” and not “Strei-sand,” since first going online back in 2011. We can only imagine the pain and embarrassment this has caused, but luckily when you’re Barbra Strei-sand, it’s easy to pick up the phone and call Apple CEO Tim Cook and tell him to sort it all out. And because you’re Barbra Strei-sand, he’ll get right on it too.
In an interview with NPR, Streisand opened up about Siri’s error and what must have been a terribly traumatic situation. “She pronounces my name wrong,” said the singer. “It’s Streisand with a soft S, like sand on the beach. I’ve been saying this for my whole career. And so what did I do? I called the head of Apple, Tim Cook, and he delightfully agreed to have Siri change the pronunciation of my name, finally, with the next update on September 30.” – READ MORE