President Trump delivers farewell address: ‘I fought for America and all it stands for’


In listing his administration’s successes, Trump declares: ‘I took on the tough battles, the hardest fights, the most difficult choices, because that’s what you elected me to do.’

President Donald Trump issued a farewell address to Americans on Tuesday, where he celebrated the successes of his administration and expressed optimism for the nation’s future.

The president began by thanking his family, along with Vice President Mike Pence and the entire Pence family, as well as law enforcement and the U.S. military before extending his gratitude to the American people for what he referred to as the “privilege” of serving as commander in chief.

Reflecting back on when he first took office, the president said:

“Four years ago I came to Washington as the only true outsider ever to win the presidency. I had not spent my career as a politician, but as a builder looking at open skylines and imagining infinite possibilities. I ran for president because I knew there were towering new summits for America, just waiting to be scaled. I knew the potential for our nation was boundless as long as we put America first.

America had given me so much, and I wanted to give something back. Together with millions of hardworking patriots across this land, we built the greatest political movement in the history of our country. We also built the greatest economy in the history of the world.”

Trump listed a number of his administration’s successes, including energy independence, a number of Middle East peace deals, the creation of the U.S. Space Force, pre-pandemic record-low unemployment for African Americans, criminal justice reform, and the rapid development of two successful coronavirus vaccines under Operation Warp Speed.- READ MORE

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