In a Saturday interview, CIA Director Mike Pompeo asserted that Donald Trump is an avid consumer of intelligence information despite claims to the contrary.
“I meet with the president nearly every day,” Pompeo said on MSNBC. “We have 35 or 40 minutes on his schedule, which almost always runs long.”
“He is a serious consumer of the product the intelligence community delivers,” he continued. “President Trump is incredibly demanding of the intelligence community.”
Host Hugh Hewitt asked Pompeo what he thought of criticisms that Trump doesn’t take intelligence briefings seriously. Trump revealed in December that he doesn’t read his daily intelligence reports.
“I cannot imagine a statement that is anymore false than one that would attribute President Trump to not being interested in intelligence and facts,” Pompeo replied. “He’s an avid consumer of the products we provide, thinks about them, comes back and asks great questions, and then, perhaps most importantly, relies upon that information.”
Pompeo also assured Hewitt that he pushes back on the president when necessary.
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