Palestinians Furious as Trump Admin Denies Palestinians Entry Into US for UN Meeting


It was President Donald Trump’s move, but it looked like it was right out of the Ronald Reagan playbook.

The Trump administration this week refused to grant visas to six “experts” from the Palestinian Authority to travel to the United Nations for a report on how the Palestinian government plans to achieve its goals for the year 2030, according to The Associated Press.

And while the reasons the visas were denied weren’t available Thursday, it was a solid reminder of just how the world has changed with Donald Trump in the White House.

During the Obama years, of course, Israel was treated to the back of America’s hand on more than one occasion at the United Nations – including one particularly shameful betrayal in December of 2016 when, in one of his final acts as president, Obama allowed an anti-Israel resolution to pass the Security Council.

Back then, Palestinians were the clear favorite when it came to American foreign policy as the Obama administration feuded continuously with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. – READ MORE


The Palestinian Authority Will No Longer Received Direct Financial Aid From Australia Because Donations Could Increase The Self-governing Body’s Ability To Financially Reward Terrorist Violence.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said Monday that funding to a World Bank’s trust fund was cut after she wrote to the Palestinian Authority in late May seeking assurance that Australian funding was not being handed directly to the families of deceased terrorists.

She said in a statement she’s concerned that providing further funds allows the authority to use its own budget to spend on anti-Israel terrorist activities that “Australia would never support.”

As Breitbart Jerusalem reported, the Palestinian Authority has in the past been accused of dispersing stipends or “martyr payments” of up to $US3500 ($4600) a month to the families of those killed while attacking Israel. – READ MORE

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