Owner of limousine company involved in DEADLY NY crash is UNDERCOVER FBI informant & International Fugitive Wanted for Murder


The owner of the limousine company behind Saturday’s horror crash which killed 20 people is a former FBI informant who went undercover to record alleged terrorists in mosques after fleeing to the US from Pakistan in the 1990s where he’d been accused of murder.

Shahed Hussain, 62, is named as the owner of Prestige Limousines, aka Hasy Limos, aka Saratoga Luxury Limousine, in Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration documents.

But 2010 court documents from the terrorism trials of four men who plotted to blow up the synagogues in the Bronx and shoot down planes coming out of Newburgh airbase reveal Hussain’s past ties to the FBI which he convinced to take him on after being caught running a dangerous DMV scan which helped prospective drivers cheat on their tests.

He was paid a salary of almost $100,000 by the FBI, records show.

The FBI pinched him in 2002 for running a profitable NY DMV scam and instead of arresting him, put him on the federal payroll. he infiltrated Muslim mosques.

Hussain arrived in the United States in 1994 after fleeing his native Pakistan where he had been arrested for murder. READ MORE:

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