Oakland mayor fires back at Trump: ‘It’s my duty to protect my residents’


The mayor of Oakland, Calif., on Friday defended her intervention in immigration-related arrests that President Trump has called an obstruction of justice.

In a weekend op-ed for The Washington Post, Mayor Libby Schaaf (D) claimed she was upholding her “duty” to her residents by warning them of an incoming federal immigration raid in February.

“As mayor, it’s my duty to protect my residents — especially when our most vulnerable are unjustly attacked. As a leader, it’s my duty to call out this administration’s anti-immigrant fearmongering for what it is: a racist lie,” Schaaf wrote, also denying the “obstruction of justice” allegation.

“Mr. President, I am not obstructing justice. I am seeking it,” she wrote, writing that the immigrants in her community “deserve justice too.” – READ MORE

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