NYT: Elizabeth Warren May Have Destroyed Herself With That DNA Test


On Thursday, The New York Times reported that one-time Democratic 2020 presidential frontrunner Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) had fallen on hard times politically. Those hard times were brought about, according to the Times, by Warren’s bizarre decision to undergo a DNA test of her ancestry, then reveal that she could have been 1/1024th Native American:

But nearly two months after Ms. Warren released the test results and drew hostile reactions from prominent tribal leaders, the lingering cloud over her likely presidential campaign has only darkened. Conservatives have continued to ridicule her. More worrisome to supporters of Ms. Warren’s presidential ambitions, she has yet to allay criticism from grass-roots progressive groups, liberal political operatives and other potential 2020 allies who complain that she put too much emphasis on the controversial field of racial science — and, in doing so, played into Mr. Trump’s hands.

Racial justice advocates, keen to cast race as a socially constructed issue with little biological grounding, said Ms. Warren’s actions gave validity to the idea that race is determined by blood, a bedrock principle for those who believe in racial hierarchies and castes…. In interviews, several progressives wondered if Ms. Warren’s decision to take the DNA test was indicative of a larger problem for several prospective presidential candidates: that their inner circles of advisers don’t reflect the racial diversity of the Democratic electorate.

Former advisors have come forward to complain about Warren’s judgment to the Times. And hard-core progressives are upset with Warren attempting to hijack the intersectional movement in order to forward her career aspirations – READ MORE



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