New Border Patrol chief sets the record straight on border separations, dismantles media narrative


The media framed the narrative implying the separations were new. But according to newly appointed Border Patrol chief Carla Provost, that’s not true.

“Under all four administrations I have worked under, we have separated families for different reasons,” she told TheHill.TV.

“Obviously, the welfare of the child is of utmost concern for us. And we are still separating if that is of concern. If the parent or the guardian has a serious, criminal history, we will still separate them as well,” she explained.

Indeed, the Trump administration never held a policy that mandated the separation of families at the border. Separation was merely a side-effect of his “zero tolerance” policy, which mandated every immigrant caught entering the U.S. illegally be criminally prosecuted. It was only then that minors were separated from their parents, since they couldn’t be placed in jail together. – READ MORE


A Customs and Border Patrol agent is being credited with saving an illegal immigrant’s life when she nearly drowned trying to cross the border in Texas and her compatriots declined to help save her.

“On Tuesday, AMO Air Interdiction Agents assigned to the McAllen Air and Marine Branch conducted line operations when they spotted a group of illegal aliens on the U.S. riverbank near La Joya, Texas,” the statement read.

“As the agents alerted Border Patrol, the group ran back toward the Rio Grande and jumped off a 15 foot cliff into the river to swim back to Mexico.

“Agents observed as a single woman, who was hesitant to jump in, contemplate the decision,” it continued.

“Despite attempts to coax the woman off the cliff, the woman jumped into the river and immediately struggled to stay afloat.  After noticing the woman could not swim and that the group of illegal aliens refused to offer her assistance, one of the Air Interdiction Agents jumped into the water and retrieved her.” – READ MORE

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