Nancy Pelosi: Make Me Speaker Because I’m A Woman


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is trying a different, but predictable, approach to ensure she’s re-elected as House Speaker once Democrats officially reclaim the House of Representatives in January.

Pelosi is now arguing that not only is she the most qualified, having served as House Speaker for four years under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, but that she should be Speaker again because she’s a woman.

Pelosi is trying to retain power even as opposition to her speakership grows. Now she’s warning Democrats not to vote against a woman (her) after the Democrat Party spent the past two years sacrificing men and sanity to cater to angry feminists who think American women are some of the most oppressed in the world.

The argument goes, according to Politico, that women propelled the party to victory, so a woman (she) should lead.

“Push her out, and men may take over the party at a time when more than 100 women are heading to Capitol Hill and after female voters have been thoroughly alienated by President Donald Trump,” Politico reported. “Embrace her, and she’ll prioritize legislation empowering women on issues ranging from equal pay to anti-harassment legislation.” – READ  MORE


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