MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Makes Homophobic Remark, Calls Mike Pompeo ‘Wannabe Dictator’s Butt-Boy’


Msnbc Host Mika Brzezinski Had To Apologize For What Some Perceived To Be A Homophobic Joke On Morning Joe Wednesday.

Brzezinski called Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was “wannabe dictator’s butt-boy.”

“I understand that Donald Trump doesn’t care, Heilemann makes a good point, he doesn’t care. But why doesn’t Mike Pompeo care right now?” Mika Brzezinski said of Pompeo’s response to a question about the killing of Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi.

She continued, “Are the pathetic deflections that we just heard when he appeared on Fox & Friends, is that a patriot speaking? Or a wannabe dictator’s butt-boy?”

Mika’s joke reflect the very long and bizarre obsession that many liberals have with calling conservatives gay as a way of bashing them. These jokes are not only incredibly lame and unfunny, they are innately homophobic, as the joke reflects the premise that being gay is a bad or humiliating thing to be.- READ MORE


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