Mother Of Benghazi Attack Victim: I Blame Hillary Clinton For The Death Of My Son, “She Deserves To Be In Stripes”
At the Republican National Convention, Patricia Smith, the mother of Sean Smith who died in the 2012 attack in Benghazi, blames Hillary Clinton personally for her son’s death.
“I blame Hillary Clinton personally for the death of my son. personally. in an e-mail to her daughter Hillary Clinton blamed it on –shortly after the attack– terrorism, but when I saw Hillary Clinton, she lied to me and then called me a liar,” she said.
“Since then,” she continued. “I have repeatedly asked Hillary Clinton to ask plaintiff may the real reason why my son is dead. I’m still waiting. Whenever I call the State Department, no one would speak to me because they say I am not a member of the immediate family…”
“Sean was my son. Hillary Clinton is a woman, a mother, a grandmother of two. I am a woman, a mother, and a mother of two. How could she do this to me? How could she do this to any American family?”
“Donald Trump is everything Hillary Clinton is not,” she said. “He is blunt, direct, and strong. He speaks his mind and his heart. And when it comes to the threat posed by radical Islamic terrorism, he will not hesitate to kill the terrorist who threaten American lives.”
“He will make America stronger, not weaker,” she said about Trump. “This entire campaign comes down to a single question: If Hillary Clinton can’t give us the truth, why should we give her the presidency?”
“That is right,” she said, responding to the crowd. “Hillary Clinton for prison! She deserves to be in stripes.” – READ MORE