The liberal press’s contempt for the intelligence of the American people was on full display on Friday’s Morning Joe as columnists and reporters from The Washington Post, the Associated Press, and USA Today all joined in a united chorus to insult the public as being too stupid to parse the difference between truth and propaganda. Moreover, once again, the show’s panelists also used their platform to call for government regulation of social media to stop “election meddling.”
Morning Joe’s latest call for censorship of news that they don’t like came in response to a short clip that they played of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein expressing confidence in Americans’ ability to make informed political decisions:
I think what people need to keep in mind is that there’s a distinction between people trying to sway American elections and succeeding in swaying American elections. […] American citizens are pretty savvy, and when they decide who to vote for, I don’t think they’d be influenced by ads posted by foreign governments. I think people are more thoughtful about that in the way that they make their decisions.
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