LGBTQ Group Sues Trump Over Repeal Of Bathroom Rules


The LBGTQ activist group Lambda Legal is suing the Trump administration for failing to release information regarding the repeal of transgender regulations that allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their choosing.

Lambda Legal filed a complaint with the New York District Court on Wednesday alleging that the Department of Education (DOE) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) violated the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by failing to provide them with information they had asked for five months previously. Lambda Legal had requested documents explaining why the Trump administration had repealed the Title IX regulations in February that had been put in place by former president Obama.

The group also vowed to help any students who don’t think their school is being fair to them by asking students to use the bathroom that corresponds to their birth gender.

The group had requested a 2015 unpublished opinion letter by the DOE’s deputy assistant secretary for Civil Rights which argued that schools are required to treat students according to their gender identity rather than their birth gender under Title IX. Transgender protections are not required by Title IX provisions however, the DOE and DOJ say.

“These transgender students, along with younger transgender children, experience alarming rates of harassment, bullying, and discrimination in their schools, which often goes unaddressed by school administrators. Many are denied access to sex-segregated facilities, such as school restrooms and locker rooms, in accordance with their gender identities,” Lambda Legal wrote in its complaint.

The outcome of the suit remains uncertain, but Lambda Legal says it will persist in filing lawsuits to help transgender students use the bathroom of their choice.

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