Leftists Are Suddenly VERY Angry That Donald Trump Deported A Nazi


Tuesday morning, the Trump Administration announced that it had struck a deal with Germany to return the last remaining Nazi on American soil after more than a decade of negotiations, and that the (much hated) Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency had descended on the Queens home of 95-year-old Jakiw Palij.

“New media artist” Thom Dunn was adamant that nabbing the Nazi was actually part of a nefarious plot on the part of the Trump Administration to disguise its own Nazi connections.

“These ICE agents don’t realize that someone else will come for them when they turn 95,” Dunn opined in a now-deleted tweet.

He added that deporting a Nazi was a sure sign of white supremacy (of course).


He wasn’t alone. After Dunn signed off with the suggestion that ICE should be wary of arresting Nazis since they themselves would be drawn out of hiding and arrested one day (for the same purpose, of course), GQ writer Nathaniel Friedman popped on with his own observation: that the incident was “staged” to make “ICE look noble and heroic.” – READ MORE


On Monday, the last known Nazi collaborator living in the U.S. was arrested and wheeled from his home in Queens, New York.

The Trump administration announced Tuesday morning that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents removed and deported a 95-year-old, Jakiw Palij, back to Germany.

Palij was a former Nazi armed guard in German-occupied Poland who immigrated to the U.S. in 1949 and became a U.S. citizen in 1957, after lying about being a Nazi.


In comparison to ICE and the Queens area, Queens so happens to be the district that Democratic Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won.

Another comparison — Ocasio-Cortez’s platform includes abolishing ICE to “clear the path to citizenship, and protect the rights of families to remain together.”

“We must abolish ICE and see to it that our undocumented neighbors are treated with the dignity and respect owed to all people, regardless of citizenship status,” her platform statement continued. – READ MORE

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