Hillary Clinton’s running mate Sen. Tim Kaine (D., Va.) told supporters on Tuesday that the wealthy will be better off after a future Clinton administration raises their taxes.
Kaine parroted Clinton’s call for higher taxes on the wealthy at her own event in Pennsylvania earlier in the day, where she declared, “We’re going where the money is.”
“Here’s how we’re going to pay for it,” Kaine said. “You can’t just say it’s smoke and mirrors. She says we will have to have higher taxes on some to pay for it.”
Kaine explained to the crowd in Fayetteville, North Carolina that, in his view, in order to create an economy that works for everyone, certain individuals and companies need to be taxed more.
Clinton and Kaine want to take this extra revenue from the new taxes and invest it back into “four priorities,” including investments in infrastructure, profit sharing, education expansion, and making work-life balance more possible for families. – READ MORE