James Comey’s Tweets Are Almost as Terrible as the FBI


The tweets are objectively terrible, combining Hallmark card insipidness (look, a Christmas tree!) and vaguely “uplifting” dad commentary (a tweet that combines a Bruce Springsteen theater program and a Martin Luther King quote) with defenses of the unchecked surveillance state.

But even worse than the tweets are the support they’ve garnered. At its heart, the admiration for Comey is borne out of a deeply misplaced notion that a former director of the FBI should ever be held up as a #Resistance leader. It’s sickening to watch an avalanche of praise be heaped on a man who reported for work every day in a building still named for J. Edgar Hoover.

This country’s intelligence apparatus exists to protect its own and ensure its survival—aims that it carries out, even as presidents come and go, with brutal efficiency. Comey ran an agency that’s spent the last nearly two decades vastly expanding its warrantless surveillance, instituting rules to spy on journalists, and infiltrating activist groups.

The absolute last thing we need right now is to embrace the FBI—especially an ex-FBI head who spent the Bush administration twice giving a thumbs-up to the use of waterboarding and offering a full-throated defense of indefinitely detaining American citizens on American soil. Working for an agency that actively tries to subvert American civil liberties is not honorable. So let’s stop making Comey out as a hero, and for god’s sake, let’s try and make him stop tweeting. – READ MORE

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Comey tweeted Friday afternoon: “That’s it? Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen. For what? DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs.”

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James Comey keeps Tweeting like a man with an immunity deal.

Or he could be channeling his inner WWE villain.

Whatever the genesis, he’s getting his tall ass kicked all over Twitter with his poor man’s Norman Rockwell literary shtick.

We haven’t seen this type of vicious public reviews for the FBI since the late Joan Rivers panned J. Edgar Hoover’s dress collection on E! TV’s Fashion Police.


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