Minnesota Democratic Rep. Tim Walz was captured on video conceding that the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, has failed his constituents.
Walz, who is running for Minnesota Governor, also revealed that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has been pushing for members to defend the ACA, asking them to ignore Obamacare’s “warts.” The video, posted to YouTube Monday, was taken May 12 according to a source familiar with its origin.
(Video via YouTube)
“… that’s why the message, and we were talking about the DNC, the DNC wanted the message to be that the ACA is doing fine and don’t talk about the warts, and I said I can’t do that because it’s failing my constituents in a lot of ways,” Walz can be heard saying in the short video clip.
The DNC’s insistence that the ACA is “doing fine” does not match reality. In late 2016, Minnesota’s insurance regulator said that the state’s individual marketplace was on “the verge of collapse,” and Obamacare rates went up by 50 to 67 percent for residents of the Gopher State.
Walz, the highest ranking enlisted Soldier ever to serve in Congress, is a member of Minnesota’s Democratic Farmer Labor Party, which is nationally affiliated with the Democratic Party. He is not seeking re-election to the House in 2018, instead focusing on his bid for governor.
The Daily Caller News Foundation contacted Walz’s office but did not hear back by press time.
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