A recent report submitted to the U.N. Human Rights Counsel claims Israel is to blame when Palestinians beat their wives.
U.N. Special Rapporteur on violence against women Dubravka Šimonović asserted in a June report that Israel is to blame for multiple Palestinian issues, which are in turn, increasing violence against women and even children.
“Several testimonies the Rapporteur collected highlighted that the economic situation, the level of unemployment and the pressure of the occupation have a greater impact on women’s and children’s lives, making them more vulnerable to domestic violence, in particular, in Gaza, wrote Šimonović.
However, the report ignores clear teachings from many Palestinian religious leaders stating that certain levels of domestic violence from husbands towards their wives is acceptable and even encouraged.
“There are solutions before giving beatings. If you have to, there are religious rules for beatings that must be obeyed. Guys, the goal of the beatings is rebuke in a way that does not cause injury,” said the PA TV reporter.
Linda Sarsour , Palestinian activist and women’s march organizer has previously stated that Zionism is incompatible with feminism.
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