Last Tuesday, Senators led by Judiciary Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Ted Cruz established that the U.S. government has been willfully blind regarding the true threat posed by Sharia-supremacism in America.
Specifically, they documented that the Obama administration has ignored the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood’s success in using the so-called “Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE) program to stealthily penetrate Washington and subvert our constitutional republic.
This appalling and dangerous malfeasance was palpably confirmed by a subsequent Senate appearance on Thursday by Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. He displayed disdainful disinterest in charges that his agency has been blacklisting words, purging trainers and shutting down investigations that its Muslim interlocutors – which he implicitly confirmed are, without exception, Islamic supremacists – find objectionable.
Incredibly, this week House Republicans are poised to reward and institutionalize such practices – and further implicate their caucus in them. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mike McCaul have in mind giving Secretary Johnson a new assistant secretary-level bureaucracy with what amounts to a slush fund of $10 million for outreach to so-called “community partners.” – READ MORE