Secretary of State Hillary Clinton created a secret military alliance between the United States and Al-Qaeda generals to assassinate Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi and distribute weapons to terror factions in Libya and ultimately “ISIS” fighters in Syria.
True Pundit has documented this expose with interviews from intelligence assets, Hillary Clinton’s personal emails, Wikileaks emails, secret Pentagon intelligence audio recordings and previously classified cables from the Defense Intelligence Agency. The intelligence garnered from these sources depict devastating overt and covert revelations of how the United States, under Clinton’s Dept. of State, secretly colluded with terrorist organizations and its leaders to implement America’s foreign policy, including:
- Clinton directly aligned and forged a State Dept. partnership with Al-Qaeda and its extremist fanatics to overthrow, assassinate Gaddafi.
- Clinton directly armed and commissioned known terrorists and publicly sworn U.S. foes with weapons in Libya, a secret reversal of U.S. policy and direct violation of UN Security Council resolution 1973, which called for a complete arms embargo on Libya.
- Clinton and President Barack Obama together financed Al-Qaeda to overthrow Libyan government and stockpile weapons, including tanks and heavy artillery, which were ultimately shipped from Libya to “ISIS” factions in Syria and elsewhere.
- Clinton struck a deal with known senior military officials in Al-Qaeda to implement her U.S. foreign policy master plan in Libya, including shipping weapons to the surrounding region.
- According to intelligence sources, many of the weapons supplied to Al-Qaeda factions were believed to have be used against Americans in the Sept. 11 2012 Benghazi attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs. Stevens is the first U.S. ambassador killed in an attack since Adolph Dubs was killed in 1979.
- Libyan officials were deeply worried that weapons were being funneled to U.S.-backed rebels with ties to Al-Qaeda via Clinton’s State Dept., which they feared would ultimately create a vacuum and thereby a safe harbor for well-armed terrorists.
- Libyan officials cut off diplomatic talks with Clinton’s State Department and instead, worked with the Pentagon to avoid Clinton. Incredibly, the Pentagon initiated the diplomatic end-run around Clinton because uniformed top brass, along with the Libyans, no longer trusted her.
A March 2011 email, sent to Clinton’s private email server from intelligence consultant and long-time confidant Sidney Blumenthal, details a list of U.S.-commissioned weapons supplied to Libyan “rebels.” Blumenthal’s email details egregious political and legally questionable abuses stemming from Clinton’s U.S. foreign policy in Libya.
But, as Blumenthal mentions, the United States didn’t act alone. Using the public guise of humanitarian intervention in Libya to prevent a faux massacre by the Gaddafi regime, Britain, France and Egypt acted with the U.S. to train and arm Al-Qaeda to assassinate Gaddafi and stockpile weapons to eventually ship to Syrian. Also, the United Nations and several key NATO countries, including the U.S., also assisted this rebel regime with air strikes. Gaddafi was eventually assassinated on Oct. 20, 2011 at the hands of the Libyan rebels, less than six months after Blumenthal’s email.
Blumenthal’s gem-packed intelligence briefing highlights a list of weapons commissioned by the U.S. that the Libyan “rebels” had stockpiled in Benghazi for the plot against Gaddafi.
These knowledgeable sources add that the insurgents have the following weapons stockpiled in Benghazi:
- 82 and 120 mm. mortars;
- GPZ type machine guns;
- 12.7mm. machine guns mounted on 4×4 vehicles;
- some anti-aircraft batteries type ZSU 23/2 and 23/4 as well as Man-Portable Air-Defense Systems (MANPADS) type SAM7;
- some tanks type T-72;
- Possibly some fixed wing aircraft, and
- some light transport/medium helicopters.
- A seemingly endless supply of AK47 assault rifles and ammunition (even for systems ZSU 23/4 and 23/2).
Blumental likewise details that French, British and Egyptian Special Forces troops were training the rebels inside of western Egypt and in the western suburbs of Benghazi. He likewise acknowledges that the foreign “troops are overseeing the transfer of weapons and supplies to the rebels,” a direct violation of international law and UN resolutions.
Blumenthal’s information was corroborated by Pentagon intelligence. In a secret 2011 intelligence correspondence phone recording, a Pentagon asset assigned to Libya tells a Gaddafi regime insider in Tripoli that Clinton and her State Department planned to further weaponize Libyan rebels, and ultimately Al-Qaeda, with millions of funds and assets frozen from Gadaffi. See below.
AUDIO: Pentagon Intel Asset tells Libyan official SOS #Clinton plans to use frozen Gaddafi funds to weaponize Benghazi rebels & Al-Qaeda RT
— Thomas Paine (@Thomas1774Paine) October 16, 2016
An intelligence cable unearthed by True Pundit from the Defense Intelligence Agency dated September 12, 2012, the day after the Benghazi terror attack, also details an additional stockpile of weapons shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya to Syria. That cache included:
- 500 sniper rifles
- 100 RPG launchers
- 300 total RPG rounds
- Approximately 400 howitzer missiles [200 ea – 125mm and 200ea – 155 mm.]
Blumenthal’s email is heavy with HUMINT and pinpoints a key liaison between the United States and the rebel army’s General Abdelfateh Younis, then-commander of the rebel forces. According to Blumenthal, Younis was working with French diplomats and intelligence officers in Egypt. According to sources, Younis was also engaged in planning strategy with British and U.S intelligence operatives and the primary lynch pin to the United States’ anti-Gaddafi operation in Libya.
Blumenthal’s intelligence report mentions security officials feared Al-Qaeda could gain a strong foothold in Libya post-Gaddafi, absent swift intervention by the the U.S, Britian, France or Egypt. He fails to mention, or perhaps even realize however, that Libyan officials feared Al-Qaeda had already done just that. According to intelligence sources and documents, Libyan officials opened a back channel of communications with the United States to specifically bypass having to deal with Clinton’s State Department. Instead of dealing with Clinton, whom Libyan leaders no longer trusted, they turned directly to Pentagon and Dept. of Defense assets to do a diplomatic end-run around the State Department. Incredibly, the Pentagon agreed to the arrangement because top uniformed brass no longer trusted Clinton either.
In a secret 2011 intelligence audio recording Gaddafi advisor Mohammed Ismael explains to Pentagon Intel asset that his warnings of unseating Gaddafi to the Clinton State Dept would cause chaos and unravel Libya.
AUDIO: Gaddafi advisor Mohammed Ismael talking to Pentagon Intel warning that unseating Gaddafi by #Clinton State Dept would cause Chaos
— Thomas Paine (@Thomas1774Paine) October 16, 2016
In a subsequent secret 2011 intelligence correspondence audio recording, a Pentagon asset assigned to Libya tells a Gaddafi regime insider in Tripoli that U.S. Intel agencies no longer trust the information coming out of Clinton’s State Department either. See below.
Pentagon Intel tells Gaddafi insider that U.S. Intel Agencies Do Not Trust Any Intel flowing from #Clinton's State Dept. Untrustworthy Intel
— Thomas Paine (@Thomas1774Paine) October 16, 2016
According to intelligence sources, Younis was a native from the Haribi tribe, the dominant tribe in northeast Libya, and the one that directly overlaps with al Qaeda. Intelligence sources confirm Younis, who held the rank of General and later Minister of Interior in Libya, was also a senior military official in Al-Qaeda. When Clinton traveled to France to meet the Libyan rebels at a low-key summit with French President Sarkozy, she met Libyan opposition leader Mahmoud Jibril, a close associate of Younis’ and fellow native of the Haribi tribe. Both men served as ministers under Qaddafi and both, again, have definitive Al-Qaeda links, according to intelligence.
According to intelligence, Jibril is also known in extremist circles as Mustafa Abdul Jalil; Abdul-Jalil Arabic: مصطفى عبد الجليل; Abdul-Jelil; Abd-al-Jalil; Abdel-Jalil; Abdeljalil; and frequently but erroneously as Abud Al Jeleil. He served as the interim Prime Minister of Libya from the time of Blumenthal’s email through Oct. 2011. He is still alive. However, Younis was killed in action in 2011, just prior to Gaddafi.
Ironically, the U.S. was cutting secret deals to commission Al-Qaeda to remove Gaddafi and move weapons at the same time Obama was trumpeting the death of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden who was reportedly killed on May 2, 2011, the exact time frame the U.S. was freelancing the terror group for its own benefit.
Obama touts death of Al-Qaeda leader, while secretly commissioning the terror group to do U.S. bidding in Libya
Blumenthal’s detailed list of military hardware compiled by the rebels to Clinton is dated March, 2011. The confidential email listing such weapons largely contradicts public testimony where Clinton swore the U.S. had no role in running guns and weapons to Syrian rebels or any other faction. One such example was in January 2013. Sen. Rand Paul asked Clinton whether the U.S. was involved in the shipping of weapons from Libya to any other country. Paul’s questioning hinged on his belief that weapons from Libya ultimately ended up in the hands of Syrian rebels who later joined with al Qaeda in Iraq to form ISIS. Their exchange is noteworthy now more than ever.
The Bush approach was to use the presence of Al-Qaeda as a reason, or the carrot, for direct military attack or meddling in the Middle East. The Obama and Clinton method, however, is now clear: Use and pay Al-Qaeda to secretly overthrow independent governments, and then partition or plunder the countries to your liking, regardless of domestic and international law. Perhaps now a clearer picture of what the United States was doing in Benghazi is beginning to come into focus. But, given the violent American-hating population of northeast Libya that was being secretly armed by U.S. coffers, the utter foolishness of the Obama administration was to actually believe that these weapons would not be turned against those who provided them. That changed on Sept. 11, 2012. Perhaps if the Benghazi attacks never happened, this story may have never been written and no one would have know what Clinton was illegally spearheading in Libya.
Read the full, now Unclassified email, below:
Credit: 2011 Secret Intelligence audio recording were first reported by the Washington Times in 2015.