As if Hillary Clinton’s new book couldn’t get any stranger, newly released audio reveals she thinks Russian president Vladimir Putin is a sexist “manspreader.”
“When I sat with Putin in meetings, he looked more like one of those guys on the subway who imperiously spreads their legs wide,” the former secretary of state says in “What Happened,” “encroaching on everyone else’s space as if to say, ‘I take what I want.’”
“They call it ‘manspreading,’” she asserts.
Clinton ultimately concluded that, not only does Putin not have a soul, but he is sexist and viewed Clinton as a “double problem” during their meetings.
“Putin doesn’t respect women and despises anyone who stands up to him, so I’m a double problem,” she claims. “After I criticized one of his policies, he told the press, ‘It’s better not to argue with women,’ but went on to call me weak. ‘Maybe weakness is not the worst quality for a woman,’ he joked.”
Obviously, Clinton didn’t find the joke funny, writing, “Hilarious.”
Other parts of “What Happened” that have been circulating include attacks on Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Matt Lauer.
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