GOP lawmaker: Second Kavanaugh accuser refusing to talk to Congress


Deborah Ramireza Yale University classmate of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, is refusing to talk to the Senate Judiciary Committee about her accusation against Kavanaugh, a GOP lawmaker said Tuesday.

Ramirez lawyer John Clune tweeted Tuesday that “We have been working hard to cooperate with the Senate Judiciary Committee…and they have refused to meet all scheduled appointments.” He said Ramirez wants an FBI investigation, not a congressional investigation, and is willing to “swear to the FBI under penalty of perjury.”

A top Judiciary Committee GOP aide told the Washington Examiner in response to the Clune claim, “The Ramirez legal team has declined to comply with the committee’s established process and investigation and seem to prefer working through the media.”

Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., who sits on the committee, said a lawyer for Ramirez told committee staff she would not speak to them about her allegation that Kavanaugh flashed his naked groin in her face during an alcohol-laden party their freshman year. Ramirez made the accusation in a blockbuster Sunday night New Yorker story. – READ MORE


The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a vote Friday on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

The committee vote is being set for the day after Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford are to testify about her allegation he sexually assaulted her when they were teens. That public hearing is set for Thursday.

The committee scheduled the vote as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced Tuesday he was moving forward with Kavanaugh’s nomination.

Kavanaugh has denied Ford’s claim and that of another woman who has come forward with an allegation from his time at Yale. – READ MORE

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