Rev. Al Sharpton used his platform at George Floyd’s funeral Tuesday to scold NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, saying his apology on behalf of the league was insufficient and then ordering Goodell to “give Colin Kaepernick a job back.”
Speaking during a service held for Floyd in his hometown of Houston, Sharpton said, “The head of the NFL (Roger Goodell) said, ‘Yeah, maybe we was wrong. Football players, maybe they did have the right to peacefully protest,'” MassLive reported.
“Well, don’t apologize,” Sharpton continued. “Give Colin Kaepernick a job back. Don’t come with some empty apology. Take a man’s livelihood. Strip a man down of his talents. And four years later, when the whole world is marching, all of a sudden you go and do a FaceTime, talk about you sorry. Minimizing the value of our lives.”
Sharpton added, “You sorry? Then repay the damage you did to the career you stood down, ’cause when Colin took a knee, he took it for the families in this building. And we don’t want an apology. We want him repaired.” – READ MORE
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