FRUITS OF SOCIALISM: Starving Venezuelans Are Slaughtering Zoo Animals For Food


As young Americans trend toward socialism, we have real-life examples of just how destructive such an economic system is in practice as opposed to its romantic portrayal in the classrooms of liberal tenured professors.

But just like the communal food lines preferred by Millennials, broadening your palate is just another perk of socialism. You might not have ever ventured out and tried horse meat unless your socialist-induced starvation drove you to it, right?

The Daily Beast reports:

In a country that once was rich, but where people are beginning to starve, few animals are safe. One morning in August at the metropolitan zoo in the torrid city of Maracaibo, workers were shocked to find the bones of a buffalo and some wild pigs inside their cages with clear signs of mutilation. Thieves allegedly stole the meat to eat what they could and sell the rest on the local market.

In west Caracas, at the zoo of Caricuao district, the same sort of thing happened. Watchmen found the bones and offal of a black horse inside its enclosure. Apparently the perpetrators only took the edible parts of the animal.

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