Floyd Mayweather Mocks #MeToo Movement


Mayweather, speaking to Men’s Health Magazine, first took issue with the female reporter’s reference to Mayweather’s club “Girl Collection” as a strip club, asserting that it was a gentleman’s club, adding, “Because there’s a difference. A gentleman’s club is topless. But a strip club is totally nude.”

Then he was asked, “We’re asking a lot of men, in light of the #MeToo movement, how men can grow in 2018.”

Mayweather replied dismissively, “The who?”

The reporter continued, “The #MeToo movement. Women speaking out about sexual assault.”

Mayweather mocked, “When you say ‘me too’ … When somebody is like, ‘I got a Rolls Royce,’ I be like ‘me too.’ When somebody say they got a private jet, I say, ‘Me too. I got two. Me too.'” He laughed, along with others in the background.

The reporter persisted, “This is a very different —“

Mayweather interjected, “Well, I didn’t know! My Me Too movement from the beginning was whenever somebody said what they have I’m like, ‘me too.’ Somebody say they got a billion dollars, I say, ‘I made a billion dollars, me too.’” – READ MORE


They are responsible for taking down perhaps one of the most powerful men in the entertainment industry, and without them, the #MeToo movement might have completely fizzled like so many modern feminist social media efforts. But Rose McGowan and Asia Argento say that they haven’t been asked to join the super-woke Hollywood women’s movement to end sexual harassment and violence.

Writing on Twitter, both McGowan and Argento said they weren’t invited to accompany the “Times Up” actresses on the red carpet, although A-listers like Reese Witherspoon and Meryl Street brought social justice warriors — and even the “leader” of the #MeToo movement — as their guests.

And despite being the women most visibly affected by the Hollywood code of silence, at least Argento says that she was never asked to be a part of the “Time’s Up” movement that claimed to speak for all entertainment industry women pursuing equality and workplace safety standards.

“I can only speak for myself but not only I wasn’t invited to the #GoldenGlobes: nobody asked my opinion about #TIMESUP or to sign the letter,” Argento tweeted out after the Globes concluded. “I support @TIMESUPNOW even though I was excluded from it. Guess I am not POWERFUL or HOLLYWOOD enough. Proud to work behind the scenes.” – READ MORE


Actress Rose McGowan said Sunday that it was “Hollywood fakery” for actors to wear black to the Golden Globes as a way to protest sexual misconduct.

McGowan, an actress and activist who has accused Harvey Weinstein of raping her, criticized the awards show in an impassioned Twitter exchange with Asia Argento, another alleged Weinstein victim.

When Argento pointed out that McGowan had spoken out about Weinstein and inspired others to step forward, the former “Charmed” star wrote in reply: “And not one of those fancy people wearing black to honor our rapes would have lifted a finger had it not been so. I have no time for Hollywood fakery, but you I love, @AsiaArgento #RoseArmy.”  (HUFFINGTON POST)

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