Feinstein Blames Media For Outing Kavanaugh’s Accuser. Republicans: There’s Just One Problem.


Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the ranking Democratic member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has come under heavy fire from both sides over her handling of the allegation against Brett Kavanaugh, which she submitted to the FBI less than a week before the confirmation vote and two months after having received the allegation. But she says the real blame for outing the accuser, who initially said she wanted to remain anonymous, falls at the feet of the media.

The response to Feinstein’s statement online has been overwhelmingly negative. Among those who pushed back on Feinstein’s attempt to blame the press was Republican Sen. Tom Cotton

“[Sen. Feinstein] says ‘the media outed’ Judge Kavanaugh’s accuser,” Cotton wrote Wednesday. “But only Democrats & their aides had access to the letter. So what she really means is Democrats leaked the letter. Either [Sen. Feinstein] approved the leak or she can’t control her own committee. Neither good.” – READ MORE


During Thursday’s “Megyn Kelly Today” on NBC, host Megyn Kelly accused Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) of mishandling the accusations of sexual assault by Supreme Court associate justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

Kelly said Feinstein “bears a lot of the blame” for burying the allegations brought forward by Ford until almost the last minute. – READ MORE


South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham (R) criticized Democrats on Tuesday over their handling of the sexual assault allegation levied at Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.

In a statement to The Washington Post, Graham likened the way the Democrats have handled the allegation, which surfaced last week in news reports and was made public over the weekend in an interview in the Post with Kavanaugh’s accuser, to a “drive-by shooting.”

“All I can say is that we’re bringing this to a close,” Graham told the newspaper.

“They’ve had tons of time to do this. This has been a drive-by shooting when it comes to Kavanaugh,” Graham continued. “I’ll listen to the lady, but we’re going to bring this to a close.”

Other senators expressed their own criticism of Democrats’ handling of the allegations, particularly over the revelation that ranking Senate Judiciary Committee Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.) sat on the allegation for weeks after receiving it in a letter over the summer. READ MORE:

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