Fake News: BBC Claimed Trump Said War is Coming With Iran


The Bbc Has Belatedly Apologised After Claiming U.s. President Donald J. Trump Said “war Will Follow” With Iran After Imposing Sanctions On The Islamist Dictatorship.

Speaking about his decision to re-impose sanctions on Iran, which the President accused of “slaughter in Syria and Yemen”, Trump said, “more will follow”.

Clearly blaming the President for the conflict they inadvertently believed was coming, Britain’s BBC Tweeted that:

“Donald Trump tells UN General Assembly ‘war will follow’ after his decision to re-impose sanctions on Iran, who he accuses of ‘slaughter in Syria and Yemen’.”

The BBC subsequently issued another Tweet correcting their first an hour later, reports prominent British political gossip blog Guido Fawkes.- READ MORE


Tough U.s. Sanctions On Iran Are Driving Economic Pain That Could Lead To A “successful Revolution,” Rudy Giuliani Told An Expat Group In New York On Saturday.

“I don’t know when we’re going to overthrow them,” President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer said,  before adding, “It could be in a few days, months, a couple of years. But it’s going to happen.”

The former Mayor of New York made his comments to attendees at the Iran Uprising Summit held by the Organisation of Iranian-American communities, which opposes the current Tehran regime.

They have gathered after Mr. Trump signed an executive order in August reimposing a series of economic sanctions on Iran that had been lifted under Barack Obama.

The president said the old Iran nuclear deal gave Iran the economic resources necessary to both continue funding terrorism around the world and searching for a path for a nuclear weapon. – READ  MORE

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