Facebook, in a rush today removed the Black Power Political Organization’s (BPPO) web page, citing “violations.” True Pundit, however, has resurrected the pages which surely test and push the limits of free speech and casts an equally dark cloud over Facebook for providing these maniacs an unsupervised forum to advocate the assassination of white people and police.
While it is still unclear whether the Black Power Political Organization (BPPO) planned the Dallas shooting that left five Dallas Police Officers dead and several others wounded, their Facebook page definitely reads like a manifesto of mass murder and a terrorism how-to. Micah X Johnson is the only suspect’s identity to be released so far. The former soldier told police he was not affiliated with any groups & he ‘Did This Alone.’ But who can take a cop killer at his word these days?
Below is an exclusive record of almost all the posts made to BPPO’s Facebook page obtained by True Pundit. The BPPO openly advocates and promotes assassination as a tool to liberate Blacks from their White and Jewish oppressors. It’s content is disturbing and radical to say the least. How is such a racist, Anti-American and dangerous page allowed to stay up when Facebook has been known to censor, block and ban conservative-leaning pages just for their political views, or pro-gun talk? Even a cursory stroll through these pages is more than enough to paint a picture of a twisted ideology that allegedly turned deadly.
Read some of these shocking posts below.