Ex-Clinton adviser blasts Hillary’s ‘miserable’ outreach to evangelicals


Hillary Clinton did a “miserable” job of reaching out to white evangelical voters in the 2016 presidential election, so the next Democratic nominee needs to “be better” in 2020, a former adviser to President Bill Clinton said recently.

Matthew Bennett, founder of the Third Way think tank that sees itself as a champion of “modern center-left ideas,” shared his views in Washington last weekend at the Michael Cromartie Forum, hosted by the Ethics and Public Policy Center, the Christian Post reported.

Exit polls indicated that Hillary Clinton captured just 16 percent of the white evangelical vote in 2016, compared to Barack Obama’s 21 percent in 2012 and 24 percent in 2008, the report noted.

In Bennett’s view, Democrats erred in trying to craft different messages for different constituencies, rather than “craft a narrative that can be broadly useful” with all voters.

“When I worked for Bill Clinton,” Bennett said, “he would say everywhere, ‘If you work hard and play by the rules, you should get a fair shake.’ He would say that every single place he went, no matter what he was doing.READ  MORE

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