Ethics Complaint: Congressman Paid McDonald’s Worker $60,000 As IT Guy As Cover for Imran Awan

  • Democratic Rep. Emanuel Cleaver hired former McDonald’s employee Rao Abbas to manage his data for three years
  • Cleaver claimed on an audio recording that now-indicted Imran Awan was actually his IT aide
  • FACT has submitted an ethics complaint against Cleaver for allegedly having Awan as his aide but paying Abbas $60,0000

A Democratic congressman is facing an ethics complaint for paying an unqualified former McDonald’s employee to manage his data for three years and allegedly admitting to handing control of his servers to now-indicted Pakistani-American Imran Awan despite Awan not being on his staff.

complaint submitted against Rep. Emanuel Cleaver asks the Congressional Ethics Office to investigate Cleaver’s response to a question about his IT aide Rao Abbas whose previous job field was fast food.

“Imran is the guy who worked in our office. I don’t know this other guy,” Cleaver responded on an audio recording.

Payroll records show that Imran Awan was not on the Missouri lawmaker’s payroll, and for the last three years, the only person authorized to manage his servers was Abbas.


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