ESPN CueBall Van Pelt Rips Boycotters, Cord-Cutters: ‘You’re So Dumb That I Can’t Even Pray For You’


In an interview with Sports Illustrated‘s Jimmy Traina, ESPN late-night “SportsCenter” anchor Scott Van Pelt addressed the narrative that the network is a “sinking ship.”

“If you truly want to boycott the NFL and you want to boycott ESPN, the notion that some guy sitting out there, or gal, and they decide, ‘You know what, I’m going to cut my entire cable package because ESPN gave an award on a made-up show in July because there’s no sports, to a woman who used to be a man, so I’m now not going to have any cable TV at all, and I’m going to sit around at night and read books by candlelight like olden times because of that,’ that’s not happening. And if you did that, then you’re so dumb that I can’t even pray for you because you’re beyond hope,” he stated.

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