Dozens dead, 1,960 hurt in Gaza as U.S. moves embassy


At least 41 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces and almost 1,960 others were wounded after thousands of protesters converged on the razor wire fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel just hours before the U.S. Embassy opened in Jerusalem.

The Israeli Defense Forces accused Hamas of “leading a terrorist operation under the cover of masses of people,” adding that “firebombs and explosive devices” as well as rocks were being thrown towards the barrier.

The Israeli military said the demonstration involved 40,000 people “taking part in violent riots” at 13 locations along the boundary. The 40-mile fence was built by Israel along Gaza’s land border for security reasons in 1994.

The Gaza protest started on March 30. Monday’s march was meant to express anger over U.S. Embassy’s inauguration, while Tuesday will mark “Nakba” or Catastrophe Day, when Palestinians observe the 70th anniversary of Israel’s founding. – READ MORE

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