Don Jr., DNC Chair Tom Perez Spar Over Nazi Comparisons


A major theme of D’Souza’s documentary is a rejection of the wide-spread association of the racism, National Socialism (Nazism), and fascism with the American political right and the purported similarities of aspects of these totalitarian ideologies and certain policies advocated by the Democratic Party today.

The president’s eldest son evidently found Death of a Nation’s thesis compelling.

“I’ve been out hearing the left talking about all these things ― fascism, Nazism on the right — and when you look at the actual history of how these things evolved, and when you actually look at that platform versus the platform of the modern left, you say, ‘Wait a minute, those two are really heavily aligned and, frankly, contrary to the right,’” Don Jr., discussing the documentary, said on One America News Network Thursday.

Not satisfied with this explanation, Perez tweeted, “This rhetoric is a shameful and irresponsible attempt to further divide our country. Our nation is better than this”:

Don Jr.’s camp was incensed by that what they saw as hypocrisy in Perez’s tack and quickly hit back. Andy Surabian, a spokesman for Donald Trump Jr., told Breitbart News:

Don’s comments were specifically referring to the similarities between the progressive economic platform of the National Socialist Party and the Democrat Party of today.

It’s rich that a man whose first official act as DNC Chairman was to appoint an anti-Semite like Keith Ellison as his Deputy and whose party routinely and falsely smears the president as “Hitler” would feign outrage over Don’s historically accurate statement.READ MORE


President Trump‘s son, Donald Trump Jr., said Wednesday that the modern-day platform for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is “awfully similar” to the platform of the 1930s Nazi party.

“I’ve been hearing the left talking about these things — fascism, Nazism on the right — and when you look at the actual history and how these things evolved, and you actually look at that platform versus the platform of the modern left, you say ‘Wait a minute, those two are very heavily aligned,’ ” the president’s eldest son told conservative cable news channel One America News Network.

“You see the Nazi platform from the early 1930s … and you look at it compared to the DNC platform of today, you’re saying, ‘Man, those things are awfully similar’ to a point where it’s actually scary,” Trump Jr. continued.

Trump Jr. was attending the Washington, D.C., screening of “Death of a Nation: Plantation Politics and the Making of the Democratic Party,” a film made by Dinesh D’Souza, the conservative commentator who was pardoned by the president in May after being convicted of making illegal campaign contributions. – READ MORE

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