‘Different Set of Standards’ for Clintons’ Circle Drives Americans ‘Crazy’


There is a “different set of standards” for the Clintons and those associated with them that drives Americans mad, Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President Peter Schweizer said Thursday night on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle.”

“This is what drives people crazy about criminal justice in America. There’s a different set of standards for people in power — particularly those politically connected by the Clintons — and those same rules do not apply to ordinary Americans,” Schweizer lamented.

Schweizer, who wrote “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” noted that Podesta Group founder Tony Podesta also failed to register as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) for his lobbying work with a Ukrainian group.

It’s a little bit like granting immunity to Bonnie to get a Clyde,” Schweizer said. “The root of the problem with Paul Manafort — and there are many, and I think they need to be investigated and he needs to be held into account — a lot of it involves the foreign agent registration act, FARA, and the fact that he was doing a lot of work for foreign clients, lobbying work or consulting work, and he was not revealing that or registering with the Department of Justice.”

“Well, guess what? Tony Podesta was also doing very similar things,” he added. “This question of justice — why is it that the the FARA violations of Paul Manafort should be prosecuted … but why in the case of Tony Podesta are they not? It’s mystifying, and it’s only going to further frustrate Americans, who again believe there are different standards.” – READ MORE


The bombshell D.C. insiders pretty much already knew but were waiting for some type of confirmation.

Tucker Carlson provided that Thursday night by reporting Tony Podesta scored a get-out-of-jail-free card from U.S. Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller to rat on Paul Manafort.

But wait.

Shouldn’t Podesta get indicted like Manafort since he is allegedly guilty of some of the same infractions Manafort was indicted for?


The Swamp.

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