Dianne Feinstein Pulls Ye Olde Dem Sympathy Card; Crusty Battle Ax Says Poor Health Made Her Kamikaze a Federal Investigation


The salty sea hag has got to go,

I mean, seriously. This woman is not fit to serve.

Is she taking lessons from John McCain and John Conyers?

Dianne Feinstein said she basically obstructed a Senate investigation — by releasing full closed-door testimony of the Fusion GPS founder — because she is under the weather.

According to the Daily Caller’s reporting:

Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein suggested a “bad cold” may have impaired her mental faculties and caused her to release Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee without telling committee chairman Chuck Grassley.

“The one regret I have is that I should have spoke with Senator Grassley before,” she told NBC News. “And I don’t make an excuse but I’ve had a bad cold and maybe that slowed down my mental facilities [sic] a little bit.”

Perhaps she can see the cell block nurse. In federal prison the next time she has the sniffles.


Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) appears to have made a startling revelation about why she released the Fusion GPS transcripts on Tuesday — she was “pressured” to do so.

The revelation came from CNN Congressional Correspondent Manu Raju, who tweeted: “FEINSTEIN says she’s sorry to Grassley for not giving him a headsup about the release of the Fusion GPS transcript. ‘I meant to tell him, and I didn’t have a chance to tell him, and that concerns me,’ she told us. ‘I just got pressured, and I didn’t do it.'”



The unexpected release follows Fusion GPS’ demand last week that the full transcript be released, sparking a fight with Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) over who was standing in the way of the document being released. The Senate Judiciary Committee interviewed Simpson in August as part of its investigation into Russia’s election interference.

Needless to say, Grassley was furious, stating that it is “totally confounding that Senator Feinstein would unilaterally release a transcript of a witness interview in the middle of an ongoing investigation” and that “Her action undermines the integrity of the committee’s oversight work and jeopardizes its ability to secure candid voluntary testimony relating to the independent recollections of future witnesses.”


As for Simpson, he has emerged as the central figure in the probes into Russian election interference after his firm helped assemble a controversial dossier tying President Trump to Russia. Former British spy Christopher Steele compiled the document, which includes unverified allegations against Trump and his links to Moscow. – READ MORE

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