Dems In Missouri: Claire McCaskill Wants Us To ‘Force Down Vomit’ And Vote For Her


Democratic Missouri state senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal was less coded.

“I want to know who these ‘crazy Democrats’ are,” Chappell-Nadal told TWS. “Is she talking about African Americans? Is she talking about the LGBT community? Is she talking about pro-choicers? Is she talking about the activists on the ground that have been responding to racial inequity? The question she needs to be asked and forced to answer is who are the crazy Democrats she’s talking about and relying on to vote for her in November. We deserve an answer.”

Chappell-Nadal has her own problems with McCaskill, notably that McCaskill called on her to resign her state senate seat after Chappell-Nadal expressed an interest in seeing Trump assassinated. But Chappall-Nadal also managed to describe McCaskill’s election strategy succinctly:

“It’s like people hate her, but they hate her and are going to vote for her. But why do you have to vote for somebody who you hate? It just doesn’t make any sense,” Chappelle-Nadal said. “We shouldn’t have to force down vomit to vote for someone.” – READ MORE


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